Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Contribute to Cleaner Water with a Water Filter Pitcher

 Do you know how you’re affected by water sanitation?

World Water Day is coming up on March 22nd, and is for promoting awareness of water waste and water sanitation.

Learn more about World Water Day on our website. 

How can you contribute to cleaner water? It’s easier than you think!

You can order a ProOne water filter pitcher

Water Filter Pitchers That Remove 220+ Contaminants

ProOne offers a water pitcher that filters out up to 99.9% of lead and over 220 contaminants. Not only does a ProOne water filter pitcher provide clean water, but it also greatly reduces the number of disposable plastic water bottles that are discarded, which in turn helps avoid future water contamination around the world.

Shop ProOne water filter pitchers today!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Celebrate World Water Day with ProOne Water Filter Pitchers!

Did you know that March 22nd is World Water Day?

World Water Day was created by the United Nations, and is all about promoting awareness of water waste and water sanitation.

You don’t necessarily have to live in an unclean or impoverished environment to be affected by water sanitation. According to the CDC, “2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water at home.” Even for those who don’t live in a water crisis area, it is imperative to have easy access to uncontaminated water.

Learn more about World Water Day on our website! 

With grand movements like this, it can sometimes be hard for individuals to think of practical ways to contribute, even with something that is so integral to our lives. But there is actually a very painless solution: water filter pitchers

Water Filter Pitchers That Remove 220+ Contaminants 

ProOne offers a water pitcher that filters out 99.9% of lead and over 220 contaminants. Not only does a ProOne water filter pitcher provide clean water, but it also greatly reduces the number of disposable plastic water bottles that are discarded, which in turn helps avoid future water contamination around the world.

Shop ProOne water filter pitchers today!

Removing PFAS and Other Contaminants from Your Shower Water

Do you filter your drinking water?  Have you ever thought about filtering the water you shower with?  Most people focus on clean eating, reg...